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Gifts and Funny Trinkets

Keto Marketing Package

Keto Marketing Package

Regular price $3,300.00 USD
Regular price $6,300.00 USD Sale price $3,300.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Hello Keto Warrior/Entrepreneur

For sale. Keto Recipes Facebook Page (Monetized for Bonuses and Stars)

This page is for sale. It is monetized for Stars and Bonuses. Soon to be monetized for FACEBOOK REELS. If I was still doing keto content I would not even consider selling it. But since I am not actively doing Keto it's just sitting here. Not making any money.  I am asking $4,500 for this page. If that seems too high let me tell you exactly why I'm firm on my price. 

I currently manage/own/admin 5 Facebook Pages. My most successful is Whatever Posts 86.9k Followers and my own personal page Mike Jackson 11.8k followers.

I have put all my focus and attention on my most successful page. Whatever Posts. 

This page can generate a solid income for the right person who does not mind putting in some work to make it a success. It won't take much. A wonderful person perhaps who does not mind going on live stream and sharing their keto recipes. Keto cakes and soups get the most engagement. Just a tip. 

Here is the recipe to make this page a real money maker. I'm just letting you know what it really does take. I mean it really pays off to be able to do these.

  1. Have a passion for Keto baking/cooking
  2. Love people
  3. have a entrepreneurial mindset (if you want to make real money)
  4. Share your keto recipes
  5. Post live streams for (increased followers and monetization)
  6. Post Facebook Reels 
  7. Share your recipes to groups under this profile. (Increases followers/Invite those who like your posts to follow) 


How monetization on Facebook works. Facebook will pay you ad revenue for your posts and reels and long form videos.  This is just one way you will generate income from Facebook.

I know this sounds all too good to be true. But it's really not. As long as you share original content. You will be successful.

Revenue Streams on this page currently: This Facebook Page is monetized for Bonuses and Stars only.
Bonuses: $48.00 per 10,000 views 
Stars: 1star = 00.1 (Doing FACEBOOK Live is your key to making $$$ with STARS!

Facebook bonuses are great. But they are nothing compared to REELS. Reels can easily get thousands and thousands of view i.e., millions of views.  2-3 good quality reels a day. Can generate you over $100.00 to $300.00/day. In fact you can easily make $1000.00 a day if you have a reel or video go viral. This is not an exaggeration. Be sure to follow monetization guidelines. If you barrow from somewhere else. Be sure you add something to it. A commentary to add value to it. Otherwise Facebook will restrict your monetization. Don't as me how I know.  However(This page is not approved yet for monetization on REELS) If it was approved. I can guarantee you I would not be selling it.

Although Reels are not approved for monetization yet. You can rest assure they will be. Once you start posting and sharing your reels, and are consistent with your sharing of them. The Facebook Algorithm will recognize it/detect it.  You will be notified that you are approved for monetization via FACEBOOK REELS. 
REEL ADS: PER MILLION REEL VIEWS: $1,000.00 - $10,000+ (depends on several factors but that is the general. This is not an exaggeration)
FACEBOOK SHOP: Set up a shop on Facebook and tag your products in relevant posts. If that posts goes Viral. You can imagine the amount of traffic your little Facebook shop will get. 

Keep in mind that I am only selling this page. I am offering the Lead funnel with domain name and the 3 keto Facebook groups as part of this deal.


I have not actively promoted or shared these groups. However they are still growing daily. Each group member is a potential lead. 15.7K group members 1.4k group members 638 group members 2.2k group members

KETO LEAD FUNNEL (domain name included)

If you do not know what a lead funnel is. It will be a very huge part of your success. 

A lead funnel, often referred to as a lead generation funnel, is a specific type of marketing funnel focused on capturing and nurturing potential leads—individuals or organizations that have shown interest in your product or service. The goal of a lead funnel is to guide these leads through a structured process that ultimately converts them into paying customers. Here’s a breakdown of the key stages in a typical lead funnel:

  1. Lead Capture: At the top of the funnel, the aim is to attract and capture potential leads. This is often done through lead magnets like eBooks, white papers, webinars, or free trials, which require users to provide their contact information in exchange for valuable content or offers.

  2. Lead Qualification: Once leads are captured, they need to be qualified to determine their potential as customers. This stage involves assessing the leads based on criteria such as their level of interest, budget, authority, and fit with your target market. This helps prioritize leads who are more likely to convert.

  3. Lead Nurturing: Qualified leads are nurtured through targeted marketing efforts designed to build relationships and move them closer to a purchase decision. This may involve personalized email campaigns, follow-up calls, or providing additional resources tailored to their needs and interests.

  4. Lead Conversion: This stage focuses on converting leads into customers. It involves engaging leads with compelling offers, product demonstrations, or consultations to address their specific needs and drive them to take the final step, such as making a purchase or signing a contract.

  5. Post-Conversion: After conversion, the focus shifts to maintaining the relationship with the customer. This includes onboarding, providing excellent customer support, and soliciting feedback to ensure satisfaction and encourage repeat business.

  6. Retention and Upselling: Beyond the initial conversion, efforts are made to retain the customer and potentially upsell or cross-sell additional products or services. This can involve loyalty programs, regular communication, and personalized offers based on their purchase history.

The lead funnel helps businesses manage and optimize their lead generation process, ensuring that prospects are effectively guided through each stage and increasing the likelihood of conversion. By understanding and refining each stage of the funnel, businesses can improve their overall lead management strategy and achieve better results.

Included in this sale

  1. One Facebook page (Keto Recipes) 14.1k followers (MONETIZED FOR $$$)
  2. One lead funnel (Domain name included with funnel)
  3. 4 Keto Groups 20k group members in total. 
  4. SUPPORT ❤

Although this page is not currently generating any income. As I have not been posting or sharing. It has potential to generate thousand a month. If you have the time to share to this page. Your recipes. Your reels/videos. 

The URL of this lead funnel: Domain is included with this as well. 

I have shared all the relevant information about this page. If you have any additional questions you can message me on Facebook at Mike Jackson 

I am doing this as a BUY IT NOW. I'll have all of your contact information after the purchase for me to reach out to you. You can also message me directly as well to get the transfer of ownership right away.  

Other revenue streams for future thought. I recommend a keto recipes website. This is a great hobby that can make you real $$$

Aside from the revenue that you can Generate from Facebook. As a Keto Recipes page. You'll eventually want to set up a Website for all of your Keto Recipes. This will provide another revenue stream from your websites Monetization via Google AdSense. Yes Google will pay you to put ads on your recipes website.   When someone clicks from Facebook they will go directly to your website where you will also generate ad revenue from Google. 

Affiliate Marketing:
With a fully functioning keto recipes website. You'll now have a place to offer items such as (AMAZON) Almond Flour, Coconut Flour, Erythritol, Griddles, Chaffle makers, etc.
Every website you see as one from of affiliate marketing or another. If you do SEO you will be optimized for ranking in all the major search engines. For all of your relevant keywords.

Once a potential customer enters their information into the lead funnel. Their e-mail and other information is sent directly to your e-mail platform for a follow-up from you. The the customer is sent to whichever destination url you send them to after they complete the lead capture form. This can be an advertisement for anything or even re-direct them to another Facebook page. 

Currently I have the form set to send those who complete it to a Keto Offer from Claudia Caldwell.  However you can send them anywhere.

If you have a keto program you want to advertise. I recommend Facebook.  Advertising from a Keto Recipes page with an already established following will lend credibility to your ads. 

If you are passionate about keto like I was. This will be a real investment in your monetary future. Keto is a very popular niche.  

$3,300.00 is a very fair price. Especially if you actually have the time to invest in this page. To invest in your recipes. To invest in sharing and growing your following.  Your main goal for now after purchase should be to get monetized for REELS.

If you are interested in making an offer. I am open to accepting any fair offer. Feel free to message me or even comment on the post. 

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